How to deal with failures

Failure is a huge aspect of life . Everyone faces it . Some people uses it as the path to success and the rest just drowns into it . Failure is compulsory but it's your choice that after facing failure you're gonna be successful of still remain a failure .  So here we are .

Here are the 7 ways to deal with your failures in any aspect of life .

1 ) Accept the failure - There is no one in this world who hasn't failed in life and got successful. To be successful you've to be failed . And from a failure to a successful person in life you've to accept your failure . Accept that yes you've failed , everyone failes in life , it's a common thing . Just accept it .

2 ) Know your failure - It is one of the main steps to overcome failure . In this stage you'll have to decide whether you're gonna be successful or you'll be remain failed . So after appepting your failure , you've to analyze the reasons . I'm not talking about pleas , I'm talking about the reason behind the failure . Be honest to yourself , try to see your weaknesses  and the strength of the opponent .

3 ) Be calm and focused - Its really easy to get depressed , distracted from your goals , finding pleasure in a bad way when you're having such failure . But you need to be focused . Find some inspiration to move forward from your failure . You've to learn that , life is gonna put you down but its your choice that you're gonna stay down or stand up . So get out of your depression , anxiety , bad habits and face the challanges .

4 ) Never give up - Failures is important to know your limits . But you should never ever give up on your goals . Trying is the only thing you could do to yourself to be successful in that particular field or in life . No keep trying .

5 ) Distance from de motivation   - De motivation is one of those things that makes you apart from your goals and much closer to your failure . Keep the distance from de motivation as much as you can and also from those people who makes you feel miserable through reminding that you're a failure ( as you're not ) . You know whom I'm talking about ( relatives / toxic / two face people ) .

6 ) Feel good - Failure is a tough period to face and everyone have to admit that . And we've to admit that if we feel good , not depressed but relaxed , Not anxious but calm , not broken but pleased . It gets easier to handel . So always try to be happy and do what makes you happy . But remember one thing , that do not do what's not good for you . Instande of eating junk food , eat delicious healthy food . Instade of getting addicted to nad things get addicted to good things , that makes your goal easier .

7 ) Read - How to become successful in life ? - read . How to be a better person ?- read . How to overcome failure ? - read . Reading is one of the best things you could ever do to yourself.  There's no one who has become a great person without reading . Reading makes you experience what the author experienced . And reading the biographies of successful people is the best gener . You'll get motivated , you'll learn how they dealed with adversities and failures . You'll consume the knowledge and wisdom what they achieved in years . 

That's all guys for today . If you like it do follow us and also share your thoughts with us . We're here to make a change , make world a better place and you're with us .

                                                 ~ Subhadeep 


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