How to build mental / emotional intimacy with your partner

We all always try to find a way to make a strong bonding . Physical intimacy is a way and one of the most important way . But mental / emotional intimacy is as important as any thing to make a bond with your partner . But the question is how ?

So here are the things you should do to build a good emotional intimate bonding with your partner .

1 - Disclose your feelings to your partner - It would be a bit tough if you're in a new relation. But it's essential . It's essential to say what you feel , say what you think , no matter how cheep or creepy it sounds.  But sharing your feelings with your partner would gradually solve the trust issues and will hell to understand each other . That's why I would always prefer you to share your feelings with your partners. They'll definitely value it .

2 - Hold hands often -  Psychological test says that holding hands makes you feel relaxed , decrease your stress and blood pressure too . In other hand when you hold your partner's hand often , it indicates that you're very special to them and makes a strong inner bonding . Like , when you hold your partner's hands while in a road or on a journey , it indicates either you feel safe with them or you care about them .

3 - Having deep conversations - Ooh we love having conversations with our loving ones . It's obvious you can build intimacy through some deep conversations. Some really meaningful conversation would really help your relationship to get stronger.  It'll help you to build trust too . Conversation like about your childhood memories , previous mistakes , what you like , hate , adore in your partner , giving credit and gratitude in small things will be really helpful .

4 - Do things together - Trying new things with your partner is pretty cool . You'll get to know each other in a better way . And at the end of the day there will be a hand full of memories that will make your partner smile and remember you .

5 - Make efforts - Making efforts are the cutest thing to your partner and to make a relationship successful , it is also the most important . The whole relation thing is based on efforts . You make efforts to make them smile , you make efforts to be with them , spend time with them . And all those efforts you make , makes them feel special about you .

* Btw all these are only meaningful when you're truly in love with someone ❤️

That's all guys for today . If you like it do follow us and also share your thoughts with us . We're here to make a change , make world a better place and you're with us .


  1. Thank you so much 😊😊😊 keep supporting us


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