Signs the you're in a mental breakdown .

We usually ignore that we aren't okay . We face failures , we face heart breaks , we face set backs and end up causing mental breakdown . In this stage everything gets wrong , we life with hatred and negativity , which leads us to get help from medication causing poor health , suicidal thoughts causing death .

So , here are the 10 signs that you're in a mental breakdown .

1 ) Depression - Its usually the first step of mental breakdown.  Everyone of us faces depression and eventually we get over it too . But the problem starts when we try to get over it and fails .

2 ) Anxiety - With mental breakdown , comes anxiety . Which brings an uncertainty in us . When we feel scared to do anything . Even if it's for our good .

3 ) Loosing yourself - In this period , the worse thing happens to us is , we start loosing ourselves . We loose faith in ourselves , we loose self-confidence , we loose hope to achieve a better life .

4 ) Isolated - In this crucial time , due to loosing self-confidence we start making distance from people and make ourselves self isolated . Which increases our anxiety and depression .

5 ) Getting Irritated - In this time we get irritated everything little thing at doesn't work according to us .

6 ) Bad health - In the time of mental breakdown , health plays a very crucial role . If we try to take care of ourselves , we actually may recover from this . But we eat unhealthy food , doesn't do exercise and our health gets worse . Gradually it effects on our mental state too .

7 ) Headache , chest pain - In this period we feel headache and sometimes chest pain too . Due to the mental stress .

8 ) Gets tired - When your mind gets tired , your body gets tired too . That's exactly what happens in the mental breakdown .

9 ) Sleepy day sleepless nights - It's really a hard time , where nothing works right . You get frustrated and stressed . And your sleeping timing faces so many ups and downs . You feel sleepy and tired all day and have sleepless nights .

10 ) Not caring - When you couldn't even find a single reason to feel good . You stop caring for yourself . You do what makes you feel good  , not the thing which is good for you . That deciles your mental , physical and moral state too .

If you feel like you are going through this condition . Do consult with your close people . And do not try any medication which claims to cure . 

We surely will publish about cure of this .

Be happy , be positive and keep smiling .
And share your thoughts with us .


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