7 bad habits that show lack of self-esteem

We should respect ourselves before we respect or show honour to anyone. Because we can Only be the best our own lives, know one else. We can never  actually like those, whom we follow as our idol. At most, we can follow their way to own success, but we should not be completely like them, other wise we will lose our individuality. But our regular habits always are the reason to not to reason Ourselves . So, today I am showing you that daily bad habits. What we usually make everyday and that shows the look of self-esteem of us. So, let's start.... 

1. Fearing failure

If you feel seared before doing something new, and if that fear is for failure, then removed that fear from your mind, as soon as possible. Do everything without fear accept challenges without being scared. Even if you fail, just know that you have tried at least, and that will provide you experience and knowledge till the last day of your life. Failure is a key to unlock the door of success. So, be confident and fulfill your dreams. 

2. Slouching

Get rid of shame and discomfort, make friends everywhere and smile Whole-heartedly listen to mind and then make your decisions, what to do! This awkward behaviour of yours can make you the source of laughter in front of everyone. 

3. Fidgeting

Sometimes, people behave restlessly because of too much excitement for anything. That can be a job or may be any serious problem. But, try to handle every situation calmly, other wise you can make a mistake and that will decrease your self-esteem automatically. 

4. Claiming your success just as luck

Just as your Success is a reward for your handwork, Your failure then proves flows in your actions. Fate stays with you as long as you work word. So, luck is totally dependant on long your hard work. Don't give all credits to your luck, actually your hard work deserves the credit. Self satisfaction important. It will Incerease your self-esteem.

5. Ignoring your needs and wants

Stop doing what people want you to do. Even if they are your parents, don't make any decision quickly. Think with your intellect, judge what you are going to do. Then decide, what should you do! If you just follow people's intellect, everyone will use you only for their own needs. I hope, you can understand now that your self-esteem will continue to decrease. 

6. Excessive preoccupation

If you keep yourself too busy all day, you will be very much isolated from the outside world. Not only that talking to people, who are close to you will not be very satisfying for you. So, you will Not be able to share your feelings with anyone. You will feel nervous while talking to someone. And, it will definitely reduce your self-esteem. 

7. Being Indecisive with simple decisions

While making a decision, no matter how simple it is, think carefully, then make a decision. Make a decision once, changing your mind over and over again will make you a low self-esteem person. 
We all suffer from low self-esteem, some more some less. In fact, the source of this deficiency of faith in ourselves is our mind actually. We can't control our minds, but we can store more energy and faith in our. And only our outward behaviour can help us to do that. What ever we think, we should be very calm from the outside, became a source of Patience. That behaviour will never let you to decrease your self-esteem. 

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